Curriculum Vitae
I am a Paediatric Physiotherapist with specialist expertise in neurology and rehabilitation. I have an extensive depth of post-graduate education and over 18 years of experience in this field. I am committed to providing highly specialised physiotherapy rehabilitation for children with complex needs, including but not limited to those with Cerebral Palsy, Brain Injury and Orthopaedic Injury. I endeavour to provide a holistic approach with my interventions and work closely at all times with other professionals to provide a multi-disciplinary environment for rehabilitation.
My extensive physiotherapy experience when working with children and their families enables me to use a problem solving and functional approach to meet their needs. I feel that a real strength of my practise and experience is maintaining good lines of communication with all those involved in the child’s care including colleagues involved from statutory services, while providing high quality rehabilitation.
I feel passionate and enthusiastic about paediatric physiotherapy and endeavour to provide high quality, individualised care for my clients. Therefore, setting up my own service to be able to provide this to my clients and their families feels like the next natural step in my career. I enjoy the challenge of movement and postural analysis and problem-solving individualised requirements. I find the practical elements and the holistic involvement with the families of my clients tremendously rewarding.
I was given the wonderful opportunity in March 2020 to go to Uganda with the charity Medcare to work alongside and support their 2 paediatric physiotherapy staff. It was a life-altering and rewarding experience that helped me to re-evaluate my practise. While there I worked with babies and young children with Cerebral Palsy after Malaria and those with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus in the Wellspring Medical Centre and I jointly carried out home visits in the rural and isolated communities to assess need for a sponsorship programme.
Over my career I have worked in a variety of both NHS and private settings across the North-West including inpatient/outpatient settings and community environments. This includes homes, pre-school settings, mainstream and special schools. I feel this gives me an in depth and wide knowledge of the scope of physiotherapy treatments as well as an extensive knowledge of paediatric equipment.
For the last 6 years I have worked for an independent neurological rehabilitation physiotherapy service in the North-West of England. Over this period, I developed and ran the paediatric service, assessing and providing high quality physiotherapy care for those self-funding and case managed clients. I set up and developed several new elements to the service provision including rebound therapy and the introduction of the Innowalk (a motorised cyclical walker for those with profound physical needs) to the clinic setting.
For those on my caseload I provided paediatric physiotherapy rehabilitation in a clinic setting, mainstream and special schools as well as client’s homes using a range of interventions including neuro-developmental therapy, rebound therapy, 24 hour postural management programmes, the use of supportive equipment and hydrotherapy. I successfully completed the STA Level 2 Award in Safety Award for Teachers in November 2019 to ensure I meet the safety requirements to lead hydrotherapy sessions.
I feel that it is extremely important to ensure that all those involved in a child’s care are sufficiently trained and supported to follow physiotherapy programmes in all settings to maximise the client’s potential and integrate the advice into daily routines. This includes families, support staff, education staff and other professionals. To meet this need I would regularly train and support education/support staff and families through the provision of photograph-based programmes and presentations. As part of my role I was heavily involved in Multi-Disciplinary Team meetings for my clients to ensure that collaborative and across profession rehabilitation could take place. I also regularly liaised with statutory colleagues to ensure a co-ordinated approach to the individual’s rehabilitation.
In my previous statutory role, I was a Highly Specialist Paediatric Physiotherapist, in a large Paediatric Community Therapy Team. Over my time as part of that service I was heavily involved in the training of rotational members of the team as well as established team members. I developed a number of new pathways and good practice guidelines formulated on evidence-based practise and research. I developed a service for the assessment and treatment of those children who presented with Developmental Co-ordination Disorder, which involved the teaching of mainstream primary school teachers to successfully identify those pupils who required referring into the service. I also developed a 24-hour Postural Management Pathway for those with Complex Needs and supported other staff members in its implementation, as well as the development of community hydrotherapy provision.
My main clinical role was to provide community physiotherapy to children from the ages of 0 to 19 years in a variety of settings as well as support and planning to enable successful transitions at key stages in their lives.
Prior to this, I developed core post graduate experience as a Physiotherapist at the St Helens and Knowsley Foundation Hospital NHS Trust through a rotational post that included experience in inpatient, outpatient and community practice.
My professional development has been greatly enhanced by my extensive post graduate training, which has been acquired through professional courses, and experience gained through working in multiple paediatric settings. My expertise includes The Bobath Concept of Rehabilitation, Rebound Therapy, Functional Electrical Stimulation and Aquatic Therapy.
Professional Qualifications and Membership:
• BSc (hons) Physiotherapy
• Member of The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
• Member of The Association of Paediatric Chartered Physiotherapists
• Member of the APCP Independent Sector specialist group
• HPC registered (PH58005)
• CSP registered (063771)
Relevant Post Graduate Training:
• 2019 European Neuro Convention
• 2019 Naidex Exhibition
• 2019 STA Level 2 Safety training certificate
• Litegait webinars July 2019
• 2019 Kids to Adults Up North
• APCP Conference The Growing Child, Manchester 2018
• Rebound Therapy (Train the Trainers) 2017
• APCP Conference Tyne to Move Forwards, Newcastle 2015
• FES: Bioness L300 Certification Course, December 2014
• FES: Bioness H200 Certification Course, December 2014
• Dynamic Movement Orthosis Accredited Prescriber, DM orthotics; Nov 2014
• APCP twilight session on local protocols for SDR June 2012
• APCP study day SDR May 2012
• Postural Care Measuring levels 2 and 3 Feb/March 2012
• APCP study day Erbs palsy March 2011
• BABTT study day Nov 2010
• Muscle Strengthening and Exercise in CP June 2010
• APCP study day Hemiplegia May 2010
• APCP study day Hip Management in CP March 2009
• BABTT workshop pre-school children with CP Nov 2018
• Basic 8-week Paediatric Bobath course Sept-Nov 2006
• An introduction to a Combined Approach to Muscle Strengthening in CP June 2005
• Pilates for Dyspraxia Aug 2004
• Hydrotherapy for children with Neurological Dysfunction May 2004
• Halliwick Foundation Course Feb/March 2003
Employment History:
May 2014 – September 2020
Lead Paediatric Physiotherapist
The Rehab Physio
Paediatric Conditions Treated: Cerebral Palsy (CP); Traumatic Brain Injury; Post -Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) and various other neurological conditions.
Treatments Provided: Hands on therapy, facilitated play sessions, exercise programme prescription, carer/family handling training, school/education professionals engagement/training, neuro-muscular electrical stimulation prescription, dynamic movement orthosis prescription, rewards based treatment programs for children with behavioural or compliance issues, computer-based technology, delivery of St. Louis rehabilitation protocol post SDR, community treatment, clinic based treatment, equipment recommendations, splinting recommendations, Implementation of FES pathway.
Managerial Responsibilities: Ensuring high class clinical service provision throughout the Paediatric service, supervision and education of staff. Service development.
June 2005 - May 2014
Highly Specialist Paediatric Physiotherapist
5 Boroughs Partnership
Children between the ages of 0-19 years in a variety of community and out-patient settings. Conditions treated: Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Delay, various syndromes, Erbs Palsy, Developmental Co-ordination Disorder, Congenital Talipes Equino-varus, Torticollis, Spina Bifida and rehabilitation post-orthopaedic surgery.
Key Skills
• Verbal and written communication.
• Key member of extensive Multi-Disciplinary Teams following a child centred approach to rehabilitation.
• Motivational skills to engage children in rehabilitation.
• Teaching family members and carers in therapeutic handling and exercise programmes.
April 2002 – June 2005
Paediatric Physiotherapist Senior Training Post
St Helens and Knowsley NHS Foundation Trust
Children between the ages of 0-19 years in a variety of community and out-patient settings. Conditions treated: Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Delay and various syndromes.
Key Skills
• Developed Paediatric assessment and treatment skills in a wide variety of key paediatric conditions and community settings.
• Developed non-clinical skills of supervision and delegation.
August 2000 – April 2002
Rotational Physiotherapist
St Helens and Knowsley Hospital NHS Trust
Caseload: Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Respiratory Care, Women’s Health, Elderly Rehabilitation and Orthopaedics (trauma and rehabilitation).
Key Skills
• Development of key physiotherapy skills in a variety of different clinical settings including assessment, movement analysis and treatment.